Tap the timer to switch between 20 or 40 minutes, or reset.
What is this?
It's a flower animation that opens and closes at a specific rhythm: 4.4 seconds opening, 6.6 seconds closing. This rhythm is what I use for resonance breathing, a technique that has demonstrated benefits in scientific meta-analyses of multiple studies for improving heart rate, blood pressure, heart rate variability, and cortisol levels.
After trying various meditation and spiritual practices, I find resonance breathing to be the most helpful. I use this page as a guide, breathing in while the flower opens and breathing out while it closes. You're welcome to join me and give it a try. I aim to practice it for 20-40 minutes daily, breathing from my diaphragm.
- Laborde, S., Allen, M. S., Borges, U., Dosseville, F., Hosang, T. J., Iskra, M., Mosley, E., Salvotti, C., Spolverato, L., Zammit, N., & Javelle, F. (2022). Effects of voluntary slow breathing on heart rate and heart rate variability: A systematic review and a meta-analysis. Neurosci Biobehav Rev, 138, 104711. doi: 10.1016/j.neubiorev.2022.104711
- Zaccaro, A., Piarulli, A., Laurino, M., Garbella, E., Menicucci, D., Neri, B., & Gemignani, A. (2018). How Breath-Control Can Change Your Life: A Systematic Review on Psycho-Physiological Correlates of Slow Breathing. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 12, 353. doi: 10.3389/fnhum.2018.00353
- Pop-sci book treatment — Heart Breath Mind: Train Your Heart to Conquer Stress and Achieve Success by Leah Lagos. First half's great, second half's is extremely repetitive.